Tuesday, October 12, 2010

RCRA Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage & Disposal Facilities

Click HERE Environmental Health and Safety Online

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Lists of Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facilities
Any company or person who wishes to store, treat (chemically, incinerate, etc.) or dispose (put in a landfill, dump, ground, air, water, etc.) must (with few exceptions) have a RCRA permit for that activity.  The EPA provides lists of these companies to which we have linked here.
Two lists are provided which have been compressed using the PKZIP utility. To uncompress the files, move the file to the hard disk, and uncompress using either WinZip or PKZIP 2.04g or Stuffit Expander.
The files are:

TSDFs sorted alphabetically by handler name. Size Compressed: 207K
TSDFs sorted by EPA Region, by State,then alphabetically by facility name. Size
Compressed: 194K
TSDF Manager's RCRA Orientation Manual
The following vugraphs from DOE's RCRA Orientation for Facility Managers are in portable document format (PDF) and (because of advanced features) must be viewed or printed out using Adobe Acrobat 3.0 or higher. Please click here for more information on using Acrobat Reader with your web browser and viewing and printing PDF files. (PDF file sizes are in bytes.)
Module DescriptionPDF HandoutPDF Vugraph
Table of Contents, Agenda, List of Acronyms, Introduction, Internet Resources, Master Key Word Index45,023
Introduction to RCRA and Liability Overview807,9221,168,246
Solid Waste Definition155,162119,511
Definition of Hazardous Waste441,419330,734
Hazardous Waste Cleanup Programs301,687509,696
Emerging Issues in Hazardous Waste Management139,02888,422

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